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School Choice Open Enrollment

Redan High School

Dekalb County Schools



Dr. Williams

Dear Parents,

Welcome to the 2021-2022 school year at Redan High School. As the reality of the pandemic has set in, we are all adjusting to the "new normal" of hybrid learning, disrupted schedules, and the innumerable fears associated with safely getting on with our lives and the education of our children in the most safe and efficient way. As a parent, I understand. Please know that you/your children are supported, loved, and at the forefront of every decision we are making to ensure this school year is a success. I am elated to have your student in my classroom this year and look forward to facilitating a productive and supportive relationship with you and your student.  In addition to this, my commitment as an educator will be to provide your student with a nurturing and challenging educational environment that will ensure his/her academic success in high school.

The curriculum in mathematics is very diverse and challenging, so the following are crucial to the learning process:

  • Homework and consistent study habits will be important reinforcement tools to help students achieve mastery with the standards, so homework will be assigned to your son/daughter every evening. It will reinforce concepts already discussed in class and always be a natural extension of their class coursework.
  •  It is imperative that your son/daughter attends class meetings every day, on-time, as a mature and responsible student. During the first week of school, I will be modeling my expectations with my students to develop a consistent classroom environment.

Through our strong partnership, I will ensure that our common goal to have your son/daughter reach his/her full potential with the standards will be realized. I look forward to future communication with you as a vital part of the learning process.. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank each one of you in advance for both your support and partnership for the upcoming school year. I have high expectations for each of my students, and I will help them meet these goals by being an example of this standard of excellence.  It is my daily goal to provide challenging instruction and have high expectations so that your students are adequately prepared for post-secondary education.  Our collaboration is vital to the success of your child. Please feel free to contact me via the email/phone number provided on the syllabus to discuss any concerns or questions that may arise over the course of the semester. 


Dr. Candace L. Williams