Alicia Carter, Media Specialist
Hours of Operation
Circulation Desk: 678-676-3625
Hours: 8:10-3:10
Students must have a media center pass issued by their teacher to come to the media center any time throughout the day.
General Information
The Redan High Media Center holds a collection of approximately 17,000 print and non-print resources. The collection includes fiction, non-fiction, and reference materials. Among the services and resources provided are an automated catalog and circulation system (Destiny), electronic periodical indexes and encyclopedias, academic databases (GALILEO, Nettrekker, and Discovering Collection), and internet access.
Circulation Policy
Regularly circulating books are checked out for two weeks and may be renewed unless the books are requested by another patron. Reference and Reserve books may be checked out for overnight use at the end of the school day. Reference and Reserve books must be returned before 8:20 the following morning.
Students are responsible for lost or damaged books, and are expected to clear their media center records before the end of each semester.